Android System WebView

by Google Inc.
113.0.5672.132 - May 17, 2023

Seamless web integration for diverse application ecosystem

Screenshots of Android System WebView

About Android System WebView

Exploring the Role of Android System WebView in Ensuring Seamless Web Content Integration

Android System WebView, according to Google, serves as a system application that leverages the power of Chrome technology to present web content within various Android apps. With its default installation on every Android device, this unassuming app plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and seamless functionality of other applications and games.

In most cases, users rarely interact with Android System WebView directly or even realize its presence. Being a system app, it diligently operates in the background, silently performing its designated tasks without drawing attention. Its purpose, however, holds significant importance: ensuring the accurate display of web content within other apps and games. What does this imply? Essentially, whenever you access a website within popular apps such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or even while immersed in a captivating video game, Android System WebView steps in to make sure the web content is presented flawlessly.

It is worth noting that, starting from Android 7 onward, many smartphones have shifted the responsibility of WebView functionality to the Google Chrome app itself. Consequently, on numerous newer devices, Android System WebView might already be disabled, as Chrome handles its former duties adeptly.

Nevertheless, for devices running Android 7 Nougat or older versions, Android System WebView retains its paramount significance. On more recent devices equipped with Android 8 or higher, this app becomes redundant, and although it still receives periodic updates, it is generally deactivated by default to prevent any potential clashes with the formidable Google Chrome.

As technology advances and Android evolves, the role of Android System WebView undergoes transformation. Whether silently facilitating the seamless integration of web content or gracefully bowing out on newer devices, this unassuming system app remains an integral part of the Android ecosystem, ensuring that your favorite apps and games continue to provide an immersive and glitch-free browsing experience

More Information

  • Package Name

  • Languages

  • Requires Android

    Android 7+ (Nougat SDK 24)

  • Architecture


  • Permissions

  • Signature
